7 Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Assisted Living Service

13 May 2019 5 min read
7 Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Assisted Living Service

Choosing the right assisted living service may feel overwhelming, and that is okay. This is a major decision that requires some forethought to avoid making a mistake.

Sadly, a number of seniors end up feeling unhappy with their chosen service, so don’t let your loved one be a part of that group. The following are seven things you should consider in order to choose the right place for your loved one.


  1. Care Must be Personalized

One thing that is important is that the facility makes it a priority to personalize the care your loved one will receive. Most facilities stress personalization because they understand that each individual is different and has different needs.

All you have to do is visit McKnight Place to see the level of care provided in a place that takes its time to personalize care. It is a time-consuming task; expect to have a number of visits to ensure your loved one feels comfortable with the caretakers, but it should be worth the effort.

  1. Rules and Regulations

The care centre chosen needs to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the state and various associations attempting to keep these facilities honest. It may not be something you want to hear right now, but some facilities bend the rules from time to time and put people in danger.

You do not want to leave your loved one in a place that is willing to bend the rules. A good way to find out if the facility you are considering is a good one is to go ahead and contact the state licensing agency to see where the care centre stands. You may also want to see what the Better Business Bureau has to say about the care centre you are thinking about. Both can be enlightening and help guide you to the right place.

  1. Experience and Background

You are going to want to do your best to learn as much as you can about the people who are actually going to care for your loved one. Yes, part of the introductory phase is going to involve a few sit-downs, and these are important, but you should also know what makes them good enough.

It is okay to ask about credentials, training, and past experience that may make these individuals good for your loved one’s needs. You want to find people who have a positive experience with some of the issues your loved one is dealing with. This familiarity and training should prove invaluable when needed.

  1. Finances in Detail

No matter what care centre you choose, it is important that you can afford it. You want to make sure the centre is not one you can afford now but not in the long run. You also do not want to be hit with any financial surprises after deciding on a particular location.

Ask about all fees. You also want to ask what your insurance covers or ask questions about how Medicaid or Medicare work with this care centre. It may also be a good idea to ask what might happen if you ever run out of money for some unforeseen reason. Asking these sorts of questions should give you a firm grasp of what this is going to cost.

  1. State of Content

Another thing you need to look into are the kind of amenities this centre will offer. Some people tend to focus on just the health aspects but overlook the importance of making sure the care centre has enough amenities for your loved one.

Human beings are naturally social, so a facility that nurtures that in every way understands that lack of social contact could lead to depression. You want to find out what kind of activities your loved one is going to have access to, like dance rooms, exercise quarters, pools, movie theatres, art studio, salons, or even bars. Each of these amenities could make life in the centre you choose a little more pleasant, and that is what you want.

  1. Reviews are Golden

You are going to have to do a little digging online to find out what others have experienced at this care centre. You should check out any social media accounts of the facility. People tend to voice their opinions there. You can also find reviews on popular review websites. Pay attention to good and bad reviews. Now, you do not have to take every review at face value, but reviews should give you a better understanding of what you can expect there.

Reviews are not the only thing you can use to try to figure out if this care centre is providing adequate care; for example, you can ask about the number of empty beds they have versus the number of rooms available. A care centre that has a lot of room available may be revealing that people aren’t too happy so they leave.

  1. Personal Freedom

Be sure to take some time to find out the kind of freedom your loved one is going to have in the care centre you are considering. This is, after all, the place where he or she is going to be living, so it is good to know about any restrictions. Find out if there is anything that could get your loved one kicked out.

Do not forget to ask about the kind of freedom you have. You want to find out if you are going to be able to do things like drop by to see your loved one at any time or if there are any restrictions. These kinds of questions should help you and your loved one figure out if this care centre is the right one. Any restrictions you or your loved one are not happy with means you should consider checking out another place.


Hopefully, some of these things help lead you to the best decision you can make. Be sure to include your loved one as much as you can because this should help increase the chances of finding the right place quickly.


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7 Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Assisted Living Service


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